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thunderbird dining facility

Thunderbird Dining Facility - The two-phase remodeling of the Thunderbird dining facility included reconfiguring old utility and service lines, introducing a new menu, creating an optimized layout for seating and serving, and replacing all lighting, signage and decor. .

Food service staff and core staff were burdened with a poor dining environment for food preparation and consumption: appliances were outdated and paneled, food presentation and menu options were unattractive, and furniture was formal. Additionally, waiting times and service times were not conducive to performing duties on a tight schedule

Thunderbird Dining Facility

Thunderbird Dining Facility

Fashion, thereby ensuring repeat visits and a reduction in unhealthy food choices (obviously because employees choose fast food for convenience, familiarity and taste).

Thunderbird Hotel Pardo In Lima

We then measured and documented the front and back of the house, taking into account the location of all mechanical, electrical, plumbing and structural systems that could affect design decisions.

Any update to DFAC should include modernization of its menu offerings, offering healthier food options.

An integrated service nutrition plan that implements nutritional improvements that achieve and maintain optimal levels of health, fitness and performance.

However, even if the condition of the physical plant presents an emergency, the question is usually "How will this happen?" "And that's where our designers excel: creating dining spaces with extraordinary visual appeal, taking into account the practical needs of specifying durable and timeless finishes, fixtures and fittings.

Quest's Camp Thunderbird

This "look and feel" was presented through a series of three-dimensional computer renderings, which included legible signage, a historical timeline, new LCD menu systems and interior finish images that matched the existing floor and wall treatments.

Ours is an iterative design process, consisting of site sketches, which are then translated into dimensionally accurate CAD drawings. These were reviewed by the Food Program Manager, revised and then resubmitted for final approval with an attached budget and schedule.

All major systems, including drinking, water and gas lines, seating, electrical services and lighting, were programmed and carefully coordinated to streamline programming and production processes and minimize change orders and construction delays.

Thunderbird Dining Facility

DFAC provides project management services from start to finish, including update installation and DPW All furniture, fixtures and fittings were delivered, assembled and installed over a three-day weekend Note: Single-point utility path connection

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Our opinion is that the job is not done until it is done This means our punch list will be complete to your satisfaction

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